Cold Email As A Service

We hunt leads based on your exact specs & crush your outbound cold emails.

Book meetings on autopilot and pay as you go.

Listen. We know building lists & sending consistent emails sucks (especially if you land in the spam folder)!

It’s time you got back to closing deals, and raising money. We’ll handle your outbound so you can spend your time where it will be most impactful.

List Building

Getting high-quality leads is the cornerstone of your business’s success, which is why we work diligently to build robust lead lists containing potential clients who NEED your business.

KPI-Based Results

Our case studies will prove just how talented we are. We have made every mistake in the book, so that you won’t have to! By taking a look at our successful campaigns and those which haven’t gone as well, you can trust that your project is in good hands with us.

We Fill Your Top-Of-Funnel

For small companies without any salespeople to larger organizations with more manpower, with us filling out the top of your funnel, you’ll find that meetings become a breeze and warm leads are consistently calling on you throughout the day.

Engineering Approach

We’re not your typical agency; we’re highly technical folks that appreciate data and thorough analysis. We take a hands-on approach to understanding your business and its needs in order to craft the most effective campaigns for you.

No Magic Involved

That’s right. There’s no magic. It’s just a stupid amount of hard work done for you.

Each week, we get into a cadence of sending an A/B test to a new batch of leads. Imagine, insights, and meetings just magically appear… and all you had to do was hop on a relatively painless 30 minute call.

1. Strategy

We work together to come up with the initial strategy. From there, we A/B test our way to a repeatable sales process

2. List Building

Sometimes we can grab stuff off LinkedIn and it’s not that big of a deal. We do spend a bit of time cleaning these lists and, of course, validating email addresses to keep bounce rates low.

3. Send & Measure

Every week we try to get into a cadence of a new batch of leads and a new A/B test. Fresh insights are delivered in our weekly report. We also check your inbox twice a day for responses.

What We Do To Get You 20-100 Interested Buyers Every Month

Our team has over seven years of experience running successful B2B cold email campaigns. We help you build your own outreach department and provide you with unlimited ongoing support to ensure a positive ROI each and every time.

So...How Good Are You Guys?

68% Open Rate & 3% Positive Reply Rate

How we brought in the leads that helped Dental Marketing Guy generate leads on autopilot.

71% Open Rate & 2.5% Positive Reply Rate

We helped generate a 50% increase in meetings booked within the first month!